Happily for my knitting, some of it will start fulfilling its destiny since knitting doesn't seem to worsen the sinus headache. I finished a present for next winter:
It's been awhile since I finished anything so the feeling was good. I can't post the pattern because it's from a WW2 knitting pamphlet, the wool is LionBrand Fishermen's Wool, which I personally really like because it felts really well. They are actually the only thing I have every felted and it was purely by accident, my fiance wanted to wash the mittens and he put them in the dryer and lo and behold, they were felted. The result was better than the original product because they were even warmer so he felted the second pair I made him. If anyone wanted the pattern I could email it to them.
Following this bout of sickness I may have some more finished projects to post soon! Then I'll get back to studying...