Saturday, 3 November 2012

Happy Birthday Babies

I am a medical resident. I am a knitter. I am starting this blog to have a place to share the completely random and ridiculous thoughts that come into mind while I am working/knitting...and hopefully avoid doctor burnout.

I love delivering babies, every time one comes out I say hi to it. It screams back since it doesn’t quite comprehend that that is a friendly greeting in this world, its previous world having been a jumble of words (I can only assume, my memory not going back quite that far). Plus I like when it screams, that means its lungs are working and I can silently breathe a sigh of relief that I (or really the delivery room nurses) won’t need to resuscitate it. There are other parts that I breathe a sigh of relief for; that the parents are distracted enough not to pick up on the fact that when I tell the mom to push I often get confused and start bearing down myself. I’ll be in real trouble if I ever deliver a baby while pregnant.

I also breathe relief when the patient has a straightforward social situation: there is some type of family or support for the mom, be it a husband/wife/commonlaw, the mom has a place to live and some financial means to support the baby and is feeling well going in. The powerless feeling of delivering a baby to a woman who has no support, no house, no food, or isn’t capable of taking care of the baby is something I find difficult. I have often said the most important people in the hospital are the Social Workers.

I delivered babies on my birthday recently. I said “Happy Shared Birthday” to each one with a giant smile on my face. They screamed back.


  1. Actually, the babies were saying hello back to you. They just haven't developed volume control yet...

  2. Lol so true....and they don't for some time
