Tuesday, 6 November 2012

"Is this resident normal?"

Much like the "is this child normal" drills I've done many times in my medical education where they list behaviours or show pictures and we have to say if they are normal, I often wonder what the answer would be if someone posted my behaviours.

Do you ever wonder if the things you think are completely normal are actually very weird?

For example:

Cooking everything at the same temperature so that when I learn a new recipe I know how long it takes to cook/bake at that temperature (350 if you were wondering, and meringue is the only exception).

Drinking caffeine partway through the day so there is more than a 1/365 chance of me going to the gym after work (I do not enjoy the gym, see post "I know the way").

Changing my breakfast cereal each week (I don't like monotony, see post "this is the shawl that doesn't end").

Not being able to fold together socks that don't match. And I don't mean different colours or sizes. I mean they have to perfectly match: size, degree of colour change, degree of wear. To be fair, I'm not aware of any consequences of folding unmatched socks. I have discovered such pairs and did not experience any horrific consequences.

I may have just turned a whole bunch of people off of reading my blog. Oh well, I don't like people that scare easily.

Lastly, you may have noticed I changed the name; the knitting doctor was already taken by another blogger. We're semi-friends now.


P.S. I didn't sleep well last night, there might be a more normal post tomorrow.

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