Thursday, 22 November 2012

The list of what I did accomplish is much shorter: " "

I didn't get any further in my knitting. I didn't study. I didn't clean. I didn't cook. My one attempt at baking mostly failed.

What did I do all week?

I haven't a flippin clue. This weekend I'm on call so I don't expect to accomplish much either. Knitting can come to the hospital with me but I think it is a jinx (if I bring it it'll be busy and I won't knit a single stitch and if I leave it at home I'll be sitting there wishing I had knitting because it's the "q" word that ER and OB staff yell at you if you say). Many of you probably have a list of Christmas knitting that you're frantically working on...hopefully you're also continually adding to it and not crossing any off finished so that I feel less hopeless.

I saw a picture that was a textbook with gummi bears on each paragraph so that when you reached that point in reading you got to eat the gummi bear....I wonder how I can use that strategy but with knitting, and without blocking the words....something to ponder


  1. Hello Cousin-of-Mine,
    Given my mom keeps adding things she wants me to make for her, I don't think my list will ever get smaller. Also, I keep ripping out the toe on this one pair of socks because it turns out I can be a bit OCD. So... no, nothing is getting crossed off ever. You're in good company. :) Your socks looked great btw.

  2. Thanks cuz! My list is still getting longer and more unreasonable but I have this coming weekend off and am delusionally hopefully. I rarely rip things out generally because I can't usually figure out where I went wrong so it seems pointless lol maybe next time I'm in Edmonton we can have a knitting party :)
