Thursday, 15 November 2012

How many hours of my life have I spent knitting?

So I'm sure by this point many of you are thinking "if only I knew how to knit I could be as cool as the knitting doctor." Here's how you can (learn to knit, not to be cool like me):

Have an acquaintance beg to teach you (i.e. be the only one in Rez with a tv).

Have said acquaintance come over to teach you while you watch grey's anatomy together (before med school ruined it for you).

Become good friends with said acquaintance because now you need her to fix all of your knitting mistakes (thankfully she is a nice person to be friends with anyway).

Compile a list of public-appropriate swear words (you don't want to be dropping the f bomb when your bus hits a bump and you drop a stitch).

Learn the lingo: knit, purl, tink, frog, psso, ssk, k2tog, kbl, etc etc
(The Knit Witch has good youtube videos for learning different stitches)

Learn how to read a pattern (learn how to read a chart if you're really keen...I still filter out any patterns with a chart).

And if you're male and you worry it's too feminine, just think of it as playing with ninja sticks (do those really exist? If so I want some).

You're basically a pro know. Some people go on to become spinners who spin their own yarn. I have not. It sounds like too much work and I tend to hurt myself when using machinery (hence why I did not go into surgery and am not allowed to use the tool kit at home)...maybe one day though...


  1. You stole my idea, I named them ninja sticks. Also, if they are ninja sticks why couldn't I throw them at you when we were playing ninja's? Huh?

    1. You are not allowed to throw ninja sticks, end of story. I have poked myself serious enough to cause bleeding once (it was the end of carrying knitting in cloth grocery bags)...

  2. Does everything become cooler once you add "ninja"? For example if I say it is a ninja mop, would that make it more fun to mop? I have a feeling this might be a parenting tip to try in the future. This is "ninja broccoli" and it tastes better than just broccoli...

    1. Hmmm...I don't have children but I want someone to try this and get back to me, then I'll save it for future reference. Also let me know how long it takes for the ninja kid to wise up

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
